
Short literary landscape descriptions

  1. Dry, cracked Ethiopian land under scorching sun mirrors harsh reality of the community's struggles with trachoma's impact.

  2. Barren desert, wind-carved dunes rising and falling, whispers of forgotten histories and untold tales, vast arid expanse.

  3. Unforgiving deserts in the Middle East, cracked earth, mud-brick villages, trachoma casts a haunting shadow over all.

  4. Desolate marsh under heavy, overcast sky. Waters muddy, patches of crimson reeds scattered amid the landscape.

  5. Dusty Ethiopian villages, ancient ruins, harsh sun, shadows haunting present despair, stoic structures standing under past glory.

  6. North African desert: winds whisper tales over cracked earth under scorching sun, affliction shadowing the unforgiving landscape.

  7. Dusty villages, crowded cities, rooftops reach sky, spiny sea urchins touching the urban landscape under scorching sun.

  8. Endless parched desert, dry shrubs, cracked soil, scorching sun overhead, offering a harsh yet captivating sight to behold.

  9. Muddy rivers wind through olive green forests, capturing the essence of trachoma-affected regions in a struggle for survival.

  10. Vast, arid desert under scorching sun, mirroring unseen threat lurking in the vast emptiness of the land.

Landscape descriptions based on disease concepts

  1. Arid plains with cracked earth under relentless sun. Landscape with ancient whispers, forgotten rituals. Nomadic tribes traverse vast desert, weathered faces mirroring rugged terrain. Sparse vegetation, harsh reality like elusive cures sought by shamans. Wind carries tales of suffering, resilience echoing cries of afflicted. Traditional huts, dusty pathways where shadows dance, intertwining belief systems, medical knowledge. Heart of land where spirits roam, healers weave spells. Legacy of trachoma lives on, etched into collective memory, enduring gaze of unforgiving sun.

  2. African savannah under scorching sun, casting shadows on acacia trees and dry grass. Landscape marked by painful history, horizon mirroring enduring impact of colonialism. Indigenous huts scattered, thatched roofs whisper resistance tales. Swirling dust carries ghosts of past injustices, cries of afflicted. Ancient soil witnesses legacy of exploitation. People move with quiet resilience, eyes reflecting pain and hope. Wild gazelles roam, rivers flow with untold stories. Scars of trachoma's devastation etched into land, reminder of colonial sins' price.

  3. Arid plains with relentless sun, cracked earth, shadows, forgotten hopes. Heavy air, scent of decay, dust, sorrow, shroud over the horizon. Outskirts: clusters of dwellings, makeshift, huddle together, tin roofs glinting. Children, ragged, playing in streets, laughter sharp, contrast to resignation on elders' faces. Flies buzzing incessantly, carrying specter of suffering. Humble abodes, quiet struggle against invisible enemy, trail of broken dreams. Faded visions, afflicted eyes, plea for salvation, obscurity of trachoma's cruel embrace lingering.

  4. The Sahel region features desolate expanses with harsh winds, ancient tales lost to time, intricate cycles of destruction and resilience, cracked, parched earth witnessing survival struggles, hidden pockets of life, unique developmental cycles, unforgiving terrain, lurking shadows, unseen pathogens, human carriers, scarred bodies, serene acacia trees, mud-brick dwellings, a delicate balance, a golden sunset, a warning whisper, the horizon allure, existence facing oblivion, missteps plunging into darkness.

  5. African lands with harsh sun, vast sky, mud huts, thatched roofs, dusty streets, contaminated wells, children playing, women drawing water. Presence of invisible threat, ancient scourge, battle, struggle, resilience. Modern medicine against insidious bacteria. Bright-eyed children, faces marked by hardship. Limited healthcare access, poor sanitation, promise of azithromycin, vulnerable communities. World Health Organization's SAFE strategy - Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial cleanliness, Environmental improvements. Fragile flower pushing through cracked earth, unwavering strength, delicate balance, journey towards elimination, glimmer of hope, progress, persistence, dream of a world without blindness.

  6. In a vast, sun-baked desert of northern Africa, ancient sands hold a mysterious, traditional landscape. Crumbling ruins tell tales of past afflictions, a silent curse lingering in the air. Scars mark a time when people's eyes mirrored souls' suffering, struck by the "curse of the pharaohs." Shamans and healers, faces etched with wisdom, ponder the mystery of weeping red eyes. Spirits intwine with the land, ancient rituals and remedies seeking gods' mercy. Despite efforts, the looming shadow of blindness threatens their community's fabric. The land witnesses a people's silent struggle, caught between seen and unseen realms, where physical and spiritual boundaries blur like mirages on the horizon.

  7. Sahel region, vast expanse, sun beats, cracked earth, village shrouded, swirling dust, scorching afternoons, arid winds carry, dry soil aloft, courtyard gathers, women draped, colorful cloths, voices blend, rustle wind, eyes weary, sharp, suffering etched, faces children, little ones, cheeks stained, tears, persistent touch, waiting turn, humble dwellings, communal sorrow, heavy air, shared burden, generations, unrelenting gaze, ever-present specter, disease.

  8. Arid savannah with cracked earth, dusty courtyard where women gather in clusters wearing colorful garments, hot winds stirring up whirlwinds of dust, hazy horizon of brown particles. Women huddle together with worry, weariness etched on their faces, children with haunted eyes clinging to mothers, incessantly scratching infected eyes. Environment mirroring harsh reality, survival as daily battle against elements and disease. Stifling heat, oppressive dryness, life persisting, hope mingling with despair in swirling clouds of dust.

  9. Relentless sun casts harsh shadows on dwellers, landscape teems with contradictions. Air heavy with scent of decay, earth bears weight of suffering generations. Trachoma finds fertile ground, spreads tendrils. Landscape dotted with makeshift shelters, fragile structures shield inhabitants. Children play with haunted eyes, laughter stark contrast to silent agony. Women move like ghosts, bodies bent with hardship. Forgotten souls, broken dreams shape the scene. Trachoma thrives, preying on vulnerable, legacy written in darkness of ravaged beauty.

  10. Echoes of ancient Egypt intertwine with bygone empires in a landscape marked by colonial remnants. Heavy air carries whispers of history, where imposing architecture stands testament to past exploitation. Neglected streets wind through overcrowded corners, echoing tales of suffering and resilience. Flora struggles amid remnants of a bygone era, reflecting community resilience. The past's eyes watch a present shaped by power dynamics and colonial legacy.

Midjourney prompts

  1. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the vast landscape features mud huts and thatched roofs under the scorching sun and boundless sky. Dusty streets reveal a community grappling with invisible threats and ancient scourges, showing resilience. Children play amidst contaminated wells, while women draw water with faces etched by struggle. Modern medicine battles insidious bacteria in this rural African region. Bokeh. Dramatic light. Landscape photography. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  2. In the heart of the Sahel region in Niger, vast deserts bear witness to nomadic tribes clinging to ancient rituals and battling trachoma’s legacy. Sunlit barren lands echo with tales of survival and suffering, the scorching sun chronicling their struggle. Sparse vegetation and dusty pathways illustrate a landscape where the past is etched into the collective memory, embodying a harsh reality under the relentless gaze of the sun. Photorealistic. Studio light. Wide angle. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  3. Located in Ethiopia, East Africa, the arid savanna unfolds with cracked soil under the relentless sun. The community faces unseen suffering, as dust veils the desolate landscape in relentless heat, reflecting a harsh reality. Photorealistic. Studio light. Shot from above. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  4. In Ethiopia's Tigray region, dusty villages echo ancient glory. Amidst stoic structures, shadows of despair linger beneath the harsh sun. The landscape, rich in history, bears witness to bygone eras. Time hangs heavy in the air, a silent witness to past tragedies. Photorealistic. Low lighting. Shot from below. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  5. In the arid deserts of the Middle East, sun-scorched mud-brick settlements dot the parched earth, enveloped in an ominous silence. Time-worn relics bear witness to an existence marked by affliction. Amidst the harsh landscape, winds carry tales of despair through arid dunes, where suffering echoes in a symphony of stagnation. The region is characterized by a bleak and desolate desert landscape. Photorealistic. Dramatic light. Macrophotography. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  6. In the arid desert of Sub-Saharan Africa, barren and tormented by age-old legends, the intense sun beats down on the land, creating harsh silhouettes on the tired locals. The air is thick with musty decay, reflecting the enduring struggles of past generations. Amid this conflicting scenery, Trachoma thrives, entwining with daily life. Modest shelters scatter the landscape, providing meager defense from the disease's advance. Photorealistic. Studio light. Closeup. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  7. In the Sahel region of Africa, a village stands on parched, cracked earth under the relentless sun. Swirling dust envelops the area, carried by arid winds, as women in colorful cloths gather in dusty courtyards. Amid humble dwellings, communal sorrow is palpable in the weary eyes and tear-stained cheeks of children. This arid landscape in Sahel, Africa, reflects a harsh reality of daily life. Bokeh. Studio light. Shot from below. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  8. In a Middle Eastern country, the arid urban landscape shifts from dusty villages to bustling cities. The rooftops, resembling spiny sea urchins, reach skyward under a scorching sun. Time lingers in the heavy air, bearing witness to profound historical challenges in the cityscape. Alleys weave tales of resilience through worn paths, murmuring the silent struggles embedded in the soul of the city. Bokeh. Low lighting. Landscape photography. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  9. In the Sahel region of Chad, the arid landscape reflects a harsh cycle of devastation and recovery. The cracked earth and resilient acacia trees signify ongoing survival battles. Amid mud-brick houses, shadows play out delicate scenes of existence in a fragile balance. As the sun sets, its golden light hints at the unforgiving nature of this land on the edge of desolation. Bokeh. Studio light. Macrophotography. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  10. In Africa's arid savannah, cracked earth reflects a dusty courtyard where women in vibrant attire gather. Hot winds form dust whirlwinds, veiling a horizon in brown haze. Women huddle with worry, children with haunted eyes scratching infected eyes. Survival battles relentless elements daily. Stifling heat and dryness dominate the landscape, blending hope with despair amid swirling dust clouds. Located in sub-Saharan Africa, this is a rural desert landscape. Bokeh. Natural. Shallow depth of field. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  11. In the Sahara Desert of Algeria, barren winds sweep across drought-stricken terrain. Endless sand dunes ripple like forgotten stories, mirages playing tricks on weary eyes. The landscape echoes with a profound solitude, reflecting hidden dangers beneath the surface. This formidable scene captures a haunting beauty tainted by silent erosion, akin to a solemn message borne by the breeze. Photorealistic. Studio light. Closeup. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  12. In the African savannah of Kenya, remnants of colonialism linger under the scorching sun. Acacia trees cast shifting shadows on the arid landscape where indigenous huts whisper tales of resistance. Dust carries echoes of past injustices as the ancient soil bears witness to a history of exploitation. Cries of the afflicted fade into the heavy atmosphere, painting a vivid picture of a tumultuous past. Photorealistic. Low lighting. Shot from above. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  13. In the Sahel region of Mali, West Africa, the relentless desert stretches endlessly under the scorching sun, creating a landscape of desolation. The arid expanse, marked by swirling sands and unseen dangers, tells stories of survival amidst harsh conditions. Each grain of sand reflects the invisible menace that haunts the vast emptiness of the earth, casting shadows of trepidation on the barren land. Bokeh. Dramatic light. Shot from below. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  14. In North Africa's bustling urban sprawl, remnants of imperialism echo through neglected, winding streets. The resilient flora mirrors the people's strength amidst a landscape shaped by colonial heritage and authoritative influences. Every stone and shadow in this region tells a story of struggle and endurance, carrying the weight of a bygone era. Photorealistic. Harsh light. Landscape photography. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  15. In Ethiopia's East African region, the arid savanna expands with parched land under the scorching sun. The community grapples with invisible hardship amidst swirling dust, mirroring their stark reality. A palpable atmosphere of sorrow lingers, a somber presence in this unforgiving landscape, haunted by persistent affliction. Bokeh. Low lighting. Shot from above. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  16. In Sub-Saharan Africa, amidst remote villages, clay huts and straw roofs blend under the hot sun and vast sky. Dusty paths reveal a community grappling with challenges. Children play by contaminated water sources while women endure daily struggles. In this rugged African landscape, modern medicine confronts hidden threats. The setting is adorned with bokeh and natural light, akin to a Fujifilm XT snapshot. Bokeh. Studio light. Shallow depth of field. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  17. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the savannah sprawls under the intense sun, illuminating acacia trees and arid grasslands. This region carries the burdens of colonialism with indigenous huts scattered across the land. Dust swirls, holding whispers of past injustices, while the soil shows scars of exploitation. Despite this, resilient communities move forward, reflecting a blend of strength and endurance in their eyes. Bokeh. Harsh light. Wide angle. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  18. In a country in North Africa, arid desert villages converge with bustling cities under the blazing sun. Rooftops resemble spiny sea urchins, reaching high into the sky. The region is marked by a landscape shaped by history, where shadows carry ancient tales, and the air is imbued with echoes of endurance. Bokeh. Dramatic light. Shot from above. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  19. In a land suffused with echoes of history, remnants of colonial rule intertwine with ancient civilizations. Imposing architecture echoes bygone exploitation, while neglected streets wind through overcrowded corners, narrating tales of endurance. Flora battles against time's remnants, symbolizing community resilience. Amidst past's watchful eyes, a present shaped by power struggles and colonial legacies unfolds. This scene unfolds in Peru, South America, showcasing a blend of colonial and indigenous landscapes. Bokeh. Harsh light. Shot from above. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  20. In the arid expanse of northern Africa, under the merciless sun, shrubs cling to cracked earth. The horizon shimmers mirages in this harsh, captivating landscape. Here, time's relentless mark reflects like trachoma's devastation on eyes. Bokeh. Harsh light. Shot from above. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  21. In the Sahel region of West Africa, a barren landscape stretches far and wide under the relentless sun. Dusty villages are enveloped in arid winds, where women cloaked in vibrant garments congregate amidst swirling dust. Children's somber faces reflect the harsh realities of life, their tears staining dusty cheeks. Despite the hardships, a sense of resilience lingers in the air, echoing the ongoing struggle for survival. Photorealistic. Natural. Shot from below. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  22. In Africa's arid deserts, dust envelops ancient villages and sprawling cities under the unforgiving sun. Sharp shadows dance across rooftops resembling spiny sea urchins. An air of desolation and harshness fills the urban landscape, reflecting an unseen affliction silently haunting the populace. Photorealistic. Natural. Shot from below. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  23. In the Sahel region of Mali, the arid landscape showcases a village enveloped in swirling dust under the relentless sun. Women, draped in vibrant cloths, gather in the courtyard amidst scorching afternoons and dry winds. The weariness in their eyes, etched faces of children, and tears on their cheeks reflect the communal sorrow amidst humble dwellings. Bokeh. Low lighting. Shot from above. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  24. In the Sahel region of Africa, vast windswept plains reveal a story of resilience. The sun-baked earth bears witness to life's battle for survival. Serene acacias and mud-brick dwellings stand amidst the stark landscape, under the golden sunset. This delicate balance between destruction and hidden life is a testament to the enduring spirit of the people in this arid environment. Bokeh. Natural. Shallow depth of field. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  25. In a trachoma-stricken marsh in Ethiopia, East Africa, the murky waters mirror the somber sky. Crimson reeds resembling bloody bandages punctuate the landscape, evoking narratives of affliction and resilience. The scene is haunting, resonating with untold sorrows amidst a desolate and ominous setting where nature mirrors human struggle. Bokeh. Natural. Shot from above. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  26. In the heart of Africa, the Sahara Desert sprawls relentlessly, its cracked and barren land whispering through dry shrubs in the relentless wind. The thirsty, parched soil yearns for mercy under the scorching sun. This arid and captivating landscape in Africa's Sahara region embodies the struggle for life in nature's harsh grasp. Photorealistic. Harsh light. Macrophotography. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  27. In Ethiopia's arid Afar region, a vast expanse of parched, cracked land bears witness to the community's enduring hardship. The dry, dusty landscape reflects their challenging battle against adversity. Amidst the unforgiving terrain, thorny shrubs resiliently cling to life, embodying the region's relentless struggle. Dust swirls in the scorching air, carrying tales of resilience and pain. Photorealistic. Harsh light. Shallow depth of field. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  28. In Ethiopia's Tigray region, a haunting melody of dusty paths winding through ancient villages frozen in time unfolds. The relentless sun reveals whispers of despair from stoic structures, bearing witness to past tragedies. History lingers in the air, painting a solemn portrait of sorrow and resilience in this arid, desolate landscape. Bokeh. Low lighting. Landscape photography. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  29. In Sub-Saharan Africa, within a rural settlement, mud huts and thatched roofs endure under the radiant sun. Dusty streets tell stories of a community grappling with challenges, their resilience unwavering. Children play near water sources, while women fetch water with determination. Amidst this African landscape, modern medical efforts combat invisible threats, creating a striking atmosphere under the captivating light and bokeh. Bokeh. Studio light. Shot from below. Fujifilm XT. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

  30. In the arid savanna region of Ethiopia, East Africa, cracked soil under the relentless sun paints a desolate landscape. Dust veils the scene, reflecting a harsh reality of suffering. Whispers of despair linger amidst the scorching heat in this land of struggle against decay. Bokeh. Low lighting. Landscape photography. Canon EOS. --v 6 --ar 3:2 --no people --relax --weird 0

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