Model Tester

This functionality provides tools and tests for running and validating individual AI/ML models that are under development locally or even deployed remotely. Models in Ersilia are packed with two methods, . The test command supports AI/ML models packaged with both bentoml or ersilia-pack methods (see this page for more information).


The test command is a CLI command on the Ersilia Model Hub that automatically performs several checks on an individual model fetched from source (i.e it automatically fetches the model from GitHub and installs it in its own conda environment).

To run the test command you need to install Ersilia with the extra packages required for testing:

conda activate ersilia
pip install ersilia[test]
ersilia test model_id -d /path/to/model --remote --inspect --remove -l deep

The output of the test will be shown on the terminal.



Path to the local directory where the model is already stored or where you want the model to be stored.

-- remote

If the model is not locally fetched, you need to include this command to include the model to be tested is only available in GitHub.


--level/-l deep

Performs more detailed testing of the model


Removes the fetched model after testing, deleting the virtual environments created and the directory itself.

Hence, a test command could look like:

ersilia test model_id -d /path/to/model --remote --inspect --remove -l deep

Tests performed

High-Level checks

Model Size

  • Environment size: size of the virtual environment required to run the model, noting the size of all the Python packages installed.

  • Files size: size of the directory itself, which includes files like the model checkpoints, for example


These series of tests ensure that the metadata stored with the model is correct and corresponds to the Ersilia Model Hub approved metadata types. In particular, it inspects the following Metadata fields:

  • Model Tasks

  • Input and Output Shapes

  • Model Outputs Types

To learn more about the Metadata files for Ersilia models, please see this page.

File Integrity

This checks a models packed with both methods have a files necessary to be there and flags if any required file is missing

Detailed inspection

With the --level/l deep flag, a more thorough inspection will be performed, including:

Model consistency output

Testing with a single input. Comparing outputs from running and the Ersilia run command. So the create an isolated vertual environment and generate results from the shell. The other one uses ersilia CLI to fetch, serve and run models. The output from both method will be compared using check_consistent_output function. Checks the string and numerical output consistency will be calculated. The scores include rmse, spearmanr (Spearman correlation coefficient with associated p-value) etc...

Computational performance assessment

After serving the models, they get executed for 1, 50, and 100 input and performance using wall clock will be recorded and reported.

Complete metadata

This check ensures the metadata file's completeness by verifying required fields and validating URLs. The required fields are ["Publication", "Source Code", "S3", "DockerHub"]. The function first constructs the metadata file URL based on the package type (bentoml or otherwise) and checks if the file exists. If the file is missing or cannot be fetched/parsed, it returns a failure result. It then identifies missing fields and invalid URLs within the metadata, appending relevant details. Additionally, the function attempts to parse the metadata file using RepoMetadataFile.read_information, catching and reporting any exceptions. If all checks pass, it confirms the metadata is complete; otherwise, it consolidates the details of the issues and returns a failure result.

File integrity

Repository structure validation, detection of extra/unnecessary files, and more.


The mechanism involves several services and classes working together to ensure the model's functionality and reliability. The main components are:

  • RunnerService: Manages the execution of model tests and checks.

  • InspectService: Inspects models and their configurations.

  • CheckService: Performs various high level checks mentioned above checks on the model.

  • IOService: Handles input/output operations related to model testing.

  • ModelTester: A high-level class that orchestrates the testing process.

The process typically involves:

  1. Setting up the environment and fetching the model repository.

  2. Running various checks to ensure the model's integrity.

  3. Generating tables and logs of the results.

  4. Cleaning up temporary files and directories (model directotry only if the --remove flag is enabled).

Key Methods

check_single_input(output_file, run_model, run_example)

  • Purpose: Validates a single model input against provided configurations.

  • How it works:

    • Generates a single input sample using run_example.

    • Runs the model with the generated input using run_model.

    • Reads the output CSV file to ensure it contains valid results.

  • Usage:

    check_service.check_single_input(output_file, run_model, run_example)

_generate_table(title, headers, rows)

  • Purpose: Generates a table with the given title, headers, and rows.

  • How it works:

    • Uses rich.Table to create a formatted table.

    • Adds columns and rows based on the provided headers and data.

    • Prints the table to the console.

  • Usage:

    ios_service._generate_table("Title", ["Header1", "Header2"], [["Row1Col1", "Row1Col2"], ["Row2Col1", "Row2Col2"]])


  • Purpose: Removes directories if the remove flag is set.

  • How it works:

    • Uses SetupService.run_command() to execute Linux commands for folder cleanup.

    • Deletes the specified directories.

  • Usage:


check_example_input(output_file, run_model, run_example)

  • Purpose: Ensures the model processes example data consistently.

  • How it works:

    • Generates example input samples using run_example.

    • Runs the model with the generated input using run_model.

    • Verifies that the output is consistent and valid.

  • Usage:

    check_service.check_example_input(output_file, run_model, run_example)

check_consistent_output(run_example, run_model)

  • Purpose: Verifies that outputs match expected formats or zero differences.

  • How it works:

    • Generates example input samples using run_example.

    • Runs the model twice with the same input using run_model.

    • Compares the two outputs to ensure consistency.

  • Usage:

    check_service.check_consistent_output(run_example, run_model)


  • Purpose: Invokes shell commands to finalize or clean up tests.

  • How it works:

    • Runs a bash script to execute model tests.

    • Compares the outputs generated by the bash script and the model.

  • Usage:


Class: ModelTester

Inherits from ErsiliaBase. Parameters:

  • model_id: Identifies which model is tested.

  • level: Controls verbosity or testing depth.

  • dir: Directory for storing temporary files.

  • inspect, remote, remove: Booleans that configure optional behavior.


  1. Create an instance with appropriate parameters.

  2. Run the desired methods (e.g., checking single input, generating output tables).

  3. Review logs or console output for results.


tester = ModelTester(model_id="eosxxxx", level="deep", dir="/path/to/dir", inspect=True, remote=False, remove=True)

Class: RunnerService

Manages the execution of model tests and checks.


  • model_id: Identifier of the model.

  • logger: Logger for logging messages.

  • ios_service: Instance of IOService for handling input/output operations.

  • checkup_service: Instance of CheckService for performing various checks on the model.

  • setup_service: Instance of SetupService for setting up the environment and fetching the model repository.

  • model_path: Path to the model.

  • level: Level of checks to perform.

  • dir: Directory where the model repository is located.

  • remote: Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from a remote source.

  • inspect: Flag indicating whether to perform inspection checks.

  • remove: Flag indicating whether to remove the model directory after tests.

  • inspecter: Instance of InspectService for inspecting models and their configurations.


  • run_model(input, output, batch): Runs the model with the given input and output parameters.

  • fetch(): Fetches the model repository from the specified directory.

  • run_exampe(n_samples, file_name, simple, try_predefined): Generates example input samples for the model.

  • run_bash(): Runs the model using a bash script and compares the outputs for consistency.

  • make_output(elapsed_time): Generates the final output table with the test results.

  • run(output_file): Runs the model tests and checks.


runner = RunnerService(model_id="eosxxxx", logger=logger, ios_service=ios, checkup_service=check_service, setup_service=setup_service, model_path="/path/to/model", level="deep", dir="/path/to/dir", remote=False, inspect=True, remove=True, inspecter=inspect_service)"result.csv")

Class: InspectService

Service for inspecting models and their configurations.


  • dir: Directory where the model is located.

  • model: Model identifier.

  • config_json: Path to the configuration JSON file.

  • credentials_json: Path to the credentials JSON file.


  • run(): Runs the inspection checks on the specified model.

  • _get_checks(inspector): Retrieves the list of checks to perform on the model.


inspector = InspectService(dir="/path/to/model", model="eosxxxx")
results =

Class: CheckService

Service for performing various checks on the model.


  • logger: Logger for logging messages.

  • model_id: Identifier of the model.

  • dest_dir: Destination directory for storing model-related files.

  • dir: Directory where the model repository is located.

  • ios: Instance of IOService for handling input/output operations.


  • check_files(): Checks the existence of required files for the model.

  • check_information(output): Performs various checks on the model information.

  • check_single_input(output, run_model, run_example): Checks if the model can run with a single input without error.

  • check_example_input(output, run_model, run_example): Checks if the model can run with example input without error.

  • check_consistent_output(run_example, run_model): Checks if the model produces consistent output.


check_service = CheckService(logger=logger, model_id="eosxxxx", dest_dir="/path/to/dest", dir="/path/to/dir", ios=ios)

Class: IOService

Service for handling input/output operations related to model testing.


  • logger: Logger for logging messages.

  • dest_dir: Destination directory for storing model-related files.

  • model_path: Path to the model.

  • bundle_path: Path to the model bundle.

  • bentoml_path: Path to the BentoML files.

  • model_id: Identifier of the model.

  • dir: Directory where the model repository is located.


  • _run_check(check_function, data, check_name, additional_info): Runs a check function and logs the result.

  • _generate_table(title, headers, rows, large_table, merge): Generates a table with the given title, headers, and rows.

  • get_model_type(model_id, repo_path): Gets the type of the model based on the repository contents.

  • get_file_requirements(): Gets the list of required files for the model.

  • read_information(): Reads the information file for the model.

  • print_output(result, output): Prints the output of a result.

  • get_conda_env_size(): Gets the size of the Conda environment for the model.

  • calculate_directory_size(path): Calculates the size of a directory.

  • get_directories_sizes(): Gets the sizes of the model directory and the Conda environment directory.


ios = IOService(logger=logger, dest_dir="/path/to/dest", model_path="/path/to/model", bundle_path="/path/to/bundle", bentoml_path="/path/to/bentoml", model_id="eosxxxx", dir="/path/to/dir")

Last updated

2025, Ersilia Open Source Initiative